BikerBri's Home Page

Thes are pictures from our company Holiday Luncheon on 12/16/1999. The food was great and we all had a very nice time. Many thanks to Leslie and Kevin for putting it all together.



Family +




Our company Controller, Kevin.

Our company Controller, Kevin.

The Production Test Techs.

Some of the assembly people.

Some of the faces to go with the voices who answer the phones.

The Engineering guys and our Jack of all trades, Joe.

Some Factory Service Techs.

Mostly Factory Service Techs and our Cal Guy Dave.

Various departments are represented here.

Butch Wendy and Laura.

Jack M. and Harry W.

Enjoying the food in the buffet.

Bob and Wayne in the Buffet line.

Luise and Lisa in the dessert line.

Harry W., who won the door prize.

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